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Common inspection and storage of stainless steel liquid nitrogen tank

2019-05-29 Views(

       Stainless steel liquid nitrogen tanks are used to store liquid nitrogen, while liquid nitrogen, although not flammable, is asphyxiating and can cause frostbite or hypoxia and suffocation after inhalation or skin contact. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the stainless steel liquid nitrogen tank well to avoid leakage. Below, we will take a look at the storage method of stainless steel liquid nitrogen tank.

       Before using the stainless steel liquid nitrogen tank, it is necessary to check whether the outer casing is recessed and whether the vacuum exhaust port is intact. If it is destroyed, the degree of vacuum will decrease and it will not be insulated if it is severely damaged. If you continue to use it, the upper part of the tank will be frosted and the liquid nitrogen loss will be large. Next, check the inside of the tank. If there is any foreign matter, be sure to remove it to avoid corrosion of the inner tank.

       When transporting stainless steel liquid nitrogen tanks, be sure to install them in a wooden frame and pad them in a cushion. The tank and the tank should be stuffed with fillers to avoid collision with each other, and should be handled gently during loading and unloading. When storing stainless steel liquid nitrogen tanks, place them in a well-ventilated, cool place, avoid direct sunlight, and avoid tank dumping.

       The above is a description of the storage method of stainless steel liquid nitrogen tanks, I hope to help you. If you want to buy stainless steel liquid nitrogen tank, you can contact us and have one-on-one communication with our company. We will provide you with the best service.

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